Treeview Product group, Country, Article collection

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The sorting of the treeview is "Product group", "Country", "Article collection". To showing the Country and Article collection of a specified Country, click on the "+" character before the desired country. To showing the details and images, you can either click on the desired Product group or Country or Article collection. The total of all items of a row are displayed behind the Product group, Country and Article collection in ( ).

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+  award documents  (3)
-  medalbar  (4)
     BAVARIA  (1)
         German Orders and Medals pre 1918  (1)
     SAXONY / KINGDOM  (1)
         German Orders and Medals pre 1918  (1)
     WEIMAR REPUBLIC 1918 - 1933  (1)
         German Orders and Medals 1918 - 1933 Original  (1)
         German Orders and Medals pre 1918  (1)
+  Medals and Badgets  (59)
+  Membership badges and pins 1900 - 1945  (1)
+  Miniatures  (8)
+  new entry  (1)
+  orders / decorations of the world  (12)
+  orders and decorations europa  (4)
+  plaques, medals - non portable  (1)
+  presentation case,s empty  (1)
+  ribbonbars  (1)